High service quality documented

Fast Lane certified according to ISO 9001

Hamburg, November 23rd 2020 - Fast Lane has been successfully certified according to ISO 9001 : 2015. The implemented, applied and audited Quality Management System covers the following: services and solutions in the areas training (talent programs, managed training services (MTS),digital learning solutions (LaaS, PaaS)) and consulting (digital transformation, cloud services,information technology).

The new ISO 9001 certification assures customers, partners and employees that Fast Lane has implemented, consistently applies and continuously improves a comprehensive quality management system. The quality of our work and services is an important criterion for our customers and partners. We are pleased that the new ISO 9001 certification now officially documents our high quality standards, comments Torsten Poels, CEO & Chairman of the Board of the Fast Lane Group.

ISO 9001 is considered the most important standard in quality management. It describes the minimum requirements for a quality management system and encourages a continuous improvement process. The certification is valid for the next three years until November 22, 2023. Fast Lane has its management systems regularly audited and monitored by the internationally recognized DQS GmbH.